Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wonder Woman Makeup

Makeup Supplies:
  • Foundation
  • Matte powder
  • Light brown, medium brown, and dark brown eyeshadow
  • Eyeliner
  • Mascara
  • Red blush
  • Red lipstick
1. Blend your foundation and apply a matte powder over your foundation. This will create a more comic/cartoon look.

2. Taking the light brown eyeshadow, highlight the innermost corner of your eye and across your browbone.

3. Using the medium brown, brush across the whole eyelid.

4. With a big, fluffy brush and the dark brown eyeshadow, darken the outermost corner of the eye. Line the eyes with liner and apply two coats of mascara.

5. Dust the apple of your cheeks with red blush.

6. Daub red lipstick to create a plump pout. That finishes the makeup look.

Then add a gold tiara and bracelets.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cleopatra Makeup

Makeup Supplies:
  • Foundation
  • Blush
  • Illuminating powder (optional)
  • Eyeshadow (I used purple and gold)
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Glitter (I used gold)
  • Black eyeshadow
  • Black eyeliner
  • Mascara
  • Purple lipgloss

1. Blend your foundation all over.

2. Sweep purple eyeshadow across your eyelid leaving the browbone.

3. Brush on a gold highlight across your browbone.

4. Taking your black eyeliner, line both the top and bottom of your eye and extend it out to an elongated triangle.

5. Rub a fine layer of petroleum jelly on the inside of the triangle. Using a fluffy brush, dab some glitter to where you applied the jelly. The jelly acts as an adhesive, so the glitter will stay.

6. Using a flat, angled brush and black eyeshadow, darken your eyebrows. Gently and slowly fill in the general shape of your eyebrows and create a high dramatic arch.

7. Apply blush to the apple of your cheeks. For added dimension brush an illuminating powder over your blush.

8. To create luscious lips, use an iridescent purple lipgloss. Paint both the tops and bottom with the gloss to create an irresistible pout.

9. Add a matching headpiece and gold jewelry!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fairy Princess Makeup and Hair

Makeup Supplies:
  • Makeup brushes
  • Foundation
  • Three colors of eyeshadow (I used light purple, dark purple, and teal)
  • Blush
  • Eyeliner
  • Mascara
  • Vaseline
  • Glitter
  • Body glue
  • Gemstones

1. Blend in your foundation all over, to create a smooth look.

2. Using the light purple, apply to innermost corner of eye and along the brow bone following the eyebrow.

3. Take the dark purple and starting near the inner corner of the eye, sweep the color across three-quarters of the eyelid.

4. Take a bright teal and dust across the remaining one-quarter of your eyelid and bring it out to your temple. Use circular motions to blend it around the edges.

5. Slightly rub Vaseline across your temple and dab some glitter on your brush and streak across the Vaseline. The Vaseline will help the glitter to stick.

6. Line your eyes with eyeliner and apply two coats of mascara.

7. Using body glue, gently attach gems across your face, surrounding your eyes.

8. Kiss the apples of your cheeks with blush.

* * *

Hair Supplies:
  • Comb
  • Hairspray
  • Curling iron
  • Bobbypins
  • Hair elastics
  • Decorative headband

1. Part off the top section of your hair. Rat it (hold it straight up and comb down) to create lots of volume.

2. Smooth over and pin it to create a bump, spray with hairspray.

3. Braid the rest of your hair leaving a few strands in the front, around your ears, to be curled.

4. Wrap and tuck the braid up so it's touching the nape of the neck and pin into place. Spray with hairspray.

5. Curl the strands around your face. Spray.

6. Add the decorative headband, draping it around your forehead and under your bump. Secure with bobbypins.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Jem and the Holograms Makeup

Jem and the Holograms is a 1985-1988 T.V. show. It is a about a girl who has an alter-ego, named Jem, whose mysterious power comes from her earrings creating a projection that forms Jem and her band, The Holograms!

Makeup Supplies:
  • Brushes
  • Heavy liquid foundation
  • Hot pink lipstick
  • Hot pink blush
  • Light pink eyeshadow
  • Pink glitter cream eyeshadow
  • Black eyeliner
  • Black mascara

1. Using a heavy liquid foundation, apply to your whole face and blend accordingly. Using a heavy cream will make the overall effect more of a cartoon.

2. Start by using the hot pink lipstick and apply to the eyelid. Extend along your eyebrow down to the top of your cheekbone and come back up to about the halfway point of your eye. Fill in with the lipstick, this acts as a base/filler it will help the shadow to stick and gives an even color.

3. Take a brush and load it with hot pink blush, go back over the lipstick around your eye and clean up the edges to get a solid lines. Going over the whole thing will give a rich, vibrant color.

4. Using a light pink eyeshadow and a big, fluffy brush, gently tap it on your brow bone. This creates lift and makes it appear 3-D instead of 2-D.

5. Line your eyes black eyeliner and pink glitter. Use a flat brush and cream glitter eyeshadow. Apply a few coats of mascara to get some glam lashes.

6. Apply hot pink lipstick. To create a three dimensional effect, we are going to highlight the lips. Use a light pink eyeshadow and gently dab onto the center on your lips, both on top and on bottom.

The makeup look finished but to complete the costume, you need some Jem-tastic hair!

You'll Need: A blonde rocker wig and pink clip-in extensions
Clip in the pink extensions around the wig, the more you use the better it looks. Tease the wig to achieve big, messy hair just like a 1980s rocker.

"Glamour and glitter,
Fashion and fame!"
Theme song from Jem and the Holograms

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Troll Doll Makeup and Hair

These cute dolls were first introduced in 1959 by a Danish woodcutter named Thomas Dam.

Makeup Supplies You'll Need
  • Brushes
  • Foundation
  • Eyeliner
  • Mascara
  • White eyeshadow
  • Nude Lipstick
  • Deep bronzer
  • Cotton balls

1. Start by prepping your skin with your foundation.
2. Take the cotton balls and get a good amount of bronzer on it. Rub the bronzer across your face, past your jawline, down your neck, and even past your shirt neckline. It will look very orange, but Trolls have dark orangish skin.

3. Trolls have very big, round eyes. To make your eyes appear larger, you are going to put white eyeshadow on the inside corner and the outside corner. Lightly drag the excess shadow across the rest of the lid. Line the tops and bottoms of your eye, leaving the corners. Apply mascara to the top and bottom lashes.

4. Apply a nude-colored lipstick. Then using your pointer finger apply the same bronzer as above, on top of your lips. The lipstick acts as an adhesive, making the bronzer stay put.

The makeup look completed.
Now for the hair.

Hair Supplies You'll Need:
  • Hairspray
  • A comb
  • Small, clear rubberbands
  • Colored hair spray paint (optional, can get at Sally's Beauty Supply Store for about $5)
1. Part off a small top section of hair. Pull the rest of your hair back and style into a cute bun.
2. Take the back of your top section, hold it straight up, spray with hairspray, and comb straight down, and re-spray with hairspray. Continue moving forward through the section until all your hair is standing upright.
3. Tie the top with an elastic, to help keep its shape.
4. If you desire, use a temporary colored hairspray and mist your hair with the color.

5. Add a matching shirt and you've become a Troll!

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars..." Troll