Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fairy Princess Makeup and Hair

Makeup Supplies:
  • Makeup brushes
  • Foundation
  • Three colors of eyeshadow (I used light purple, dark purple, and teal)
  • Blush
  • Eyeliner
  • Mascara
  • Vaseline
  • Glitter
  • Body glue
  • Gemstones

1. Blend in your foundation all over, to create a smooth look.

2. Using the light purple, apply to innermost corner of eye and along the brow bone following the eyebrow.

3. Take the dark purple and starting near the inner corner of the eye, sweep the color across three-quarters of the eyelid.

4. Take a bright teal and dust across the remaining one-quarter of your eyelid and bring it out to your temple. Use circular motions to blend it around the edges.

5. Slightly rub Vaseline across your temple and dab some glitter on your brush and streak across the Vaseline. The Vaseline will help the glitter to stick.

6. Line your eyes with eyeliner and apply two coats of mascara.

7. Using body glue, gently attach gems across your face, surrounding your eyes.

8. Kiss the apples of your cheeks with blush.

* * *

Hair Supplies:
  • Comb
  • Hairspray
  • Curling iron
  • Bobbypins
  • Hair elastics
  • Decorative headband

1. Part off the top section of your hair. Rat it (hold it straight up and comb down) to create lots of volume.

2. Smooth over and pin it to create a bump, spray with hairspray.

3. Braid the rest of your hair leaving a few strands in the front, around your ears, to be curled.

4. Wrap and tuck the braid up so it's touching the nape of the neck and pin into place. Spray with hairspray.

5. Curl the strands around your face. Spray.

6. Add the decorative headband, draping it around your forehead and under your bump. Secure with bobbypins.

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